Workout Tips for Beginners

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Fitness can be tough and starting from scratch can be intimidating. Walking into a new gym or fitness studio for the first time can send your head spinning with a million questions and emotions. Being a beginner doesn’t have to be hard though, making the decision to show up for yourself is the hardest part…

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How to Embrace a New Workout Routine

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So, let’s be honest – working out can be tough enough and committing to an actual routine is a whole different ball game. Going to a workout class can sound super intimidating, but your perspective can change if you find a workout you love doing. When committing to a new routine, you must overcome the initial…

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What is a HIIT Style Workout?

You’ve probably heard the term HIIT all over the place lately, but what exactly is it and why is it so popular? HIIT is a style of exercise it stands for high-intensity interval training. A technique where you give it your all for an intense burst of quick exercise, in a short period of time.…

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