What Causes Muscle Soreness and How to Reduce It


We’ve all experienced the tight a sore muscles post workout. Sometimes sore muscles feel great. A good sore feeling can make you feel like you are really getting results. On the other hand, being sore can inhibit your workout flow or day to day life. There are simple ways to help prevent and reduce muscle…

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4 Tips to Make Cooking Healthy Easier

board30 fitness

It’s no secret that cooking at home is one of the best ways to get healthy nutritious meals. Preparing your own food lets you ensure every ingredient going in is fresh and healthy. Taking the time to prepare and clean up from those meals is where the struggle comes in. Junk food and meals on…

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5 Habits to a Healthier You

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Building a healthy lifestyle can be difficult. When you are just getting started it can be hard to find the right healthy habits and break old habits. It can be easy to slip back into your old routines when the idea of changing your life around seems so overwhelming. Change can be scary, but it…

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The Benefits of Resistance Brand Training

fitness bands

At BOARD30 we use a unique blend of studio equipment and resistance bands to bring you a high energy, low impact, mind-body, complete workout. For many though the idea of resistance bands is new or something they are unfamiliar with. At BOARD30 we love resistance bands! They are a huge part of our innovative routines…

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Workout Tips for Beginners

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Fitness can be tough and starting from scratch can be intimidating. Walking into a new gym or fitness studio for the first time can send your head spinning with a million questions and emotions. Being a beginner doesn’t have to be hard though, making the decision to show up for yourself is the hardest part…

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How to Embrace a New Workout Routine

workout highfive

So, let’s be honest – working out can be tough enough and committing to an actual routine is a whole different ball game. Going to a workout class can sound super intimidating, but your perspective can change if you find a workout you love doing. When committing to a new routine, you must overcome the initial…

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What is a HIIT Style Workout?

You’ve probably heard the term HIIT all over the place lately, but what exactly is it and why is it so popular? HIIT is a style of exercise it stands for high-intensity interval training. A technique where you give it your all for an intense burst of quick exercise, in a short period of time.…

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Find the Right Workout for You

BOARD30 Ponte Verda Beach find the right workout for you

BOARD30 is an innovative workout experience that weaves together strength training, yoga, barre, pilates, and cardio. It’s a program for all fitness levels and abilities, and it engages the entire body to work to rebuild and repair your muscles and ligaments. At BOARD30 Ponte Vedra Beach we offer this innovative system in a variety of…

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