Plan ahead to stay on your health track during the holidays

If you’ve worked hard all year on your health and wellness, the last thing you want to do is derail when the holidays come around. If you count Halloween with all its candy, October is the first tempting month – which could also serve as a “test” month to stay in control and only eat those tempting sweets in moderation. Then comes Thanksgiving – a day we like to stuff not only the turkey – but ourselves. December is the hardest of the months, with holiday parties and social gatherings testing your willpower and good habits. So, how can you stay fit during the season of indulgence?

Don’t forget how far you’ve come this year and the goals you’ve attained. Is it a busy time of year? Yes. But planning ahead and staying motivated are key.

Cocktail parties … experts say to eat like you normally would during the day – try and throw in some extra protein so you don’t arrive starving or have a healthy snack before you arrive. Don’t save up your calories for the party’s nibbles and overeat the appetizers, sweets and alcoholic drinks – all full of processed carbs and fats. There’s a reason it’s called a cocktail party.

Speaking of cocktails, think before you drink. Eggnog may be reserved for only a few days a year, but it’s not the best for your waistline measuring an estimated 350 calories a cup. Maybe try sipping vs. having an entire glass. And alternate alcohol and nonalcoholic drinks like sparkling water to help with calorie consumption.

Don’t forget to get your zzzzs. Getting enough sleep helps control weight, keeps the immune system functioning optimally, reduces feelings of stress and stress-related illnesses, and helps put you in a better mood.

The holidays can bring on stress trying to get ready for family to arrive, finishing holiday shopping, cooking, being social, and/or your routine being off track. Exercise can help and is shown to reduce stress levels. Try and carve out time to take a brisk walk or head to the studio to get in a workout – even it’s shorter than usual. Grab the fam and take a stroll around your neighborhood after a big meal. You’ll feel better and have more energy to finish that growing to-do list.

Grabbing a friend and bouncing into the Board 30 studio for class is another great option … bounce and board the stress and temptations away.

If all else fails, reset the next day and plan for the next tempting situation.

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